

Han Meyer, John Westrik, MaartenJan Hoekstra, 2020, Stedenbouw – Kern en perspectief , Amsterdam: Boom. (English edition: Urbanism – Fundamentals and Prospects).

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The state of the delta

Han Meyer, 2016, De Staat van de Delta. Waterwerken, Stadsontwikkeling en Natievorming in Nederland, Nijmegen: VanTilt 2016 (English edition 2017, The State of the Delta. Engineering, Urban development and nation building in the Netherlands).

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The new delta

Bianca de Vlieger, Han Meyer, Joost Schrijnen, (eds), 2017, De Nieuwe Delta. De Rijn-Maas-Schelde delta in verandering, Heijningen: Japsam books (English edition 2017,The New Delta. The Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt delta in transition).

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Delta Interventions

Anne Loes Nillesen, Boukje Kothuis, Han Meyer, Frits Palmboom, 2016, Delta Interventions. Design and engineering in urban water landscapes, Delft University Publishers.

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Complexity Theories of Cities Have Come of Ages

Juval Portugali, Han Meyer, Egbert Stolk, Ekim Tan eds., 2012, Complexity theories of cities have come of age: an overview with implications to urban planning and design, Berlin: Springer.

Urbanized deltas in transition

Han Meyer, Steffen Nijhuis, 2014, Urbanized Deltas in Transition, Amsterdam: Techne Press.

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New perspectives on urbanizing deltas

Han Meyer, Arnold Bregt, Ed Dammers, Jurrien Edelenbos, red., 2014, Nieuwe Perspectieven voor een Verstedelijkte Delta. Naar een aanpak van planvorming en ontwerp, Amsterdam: MUST Publishers (English edition 2015, New Perspectives on Urbanizing Deltas. A complex adaptive systems approach to planning and design)

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Delta Urbanism

Han Meyer, Inge Bobbink, Steffen Nijhuis (eds), 2010, Delta-Urbanism: The Netherlands, Chicago/Washington: APA Planners Press.

City and Port

Han Meyer, 1996, De Haven en de Stad. Stedebouw als culturele opgave. Londen, Barcelona, New York, Rotterdam, Utrecht: Jan van Arkel (English edition 1999, City and Port. Transformation of Portcities. London, Barcelona, New York, Rotterdam, Utrecht: International Books).


  • Meyer H., 2022, River basins and deltas need a second game-change, Journal of Delta Urbanism #3, 2020 pp 11-25
  • Meyer, H., 2022, It’s time for a third miracle of Rotterdam, PORTUS 42-2021
  • Meyer H., 2021, Dreaming about Houston and Rotterdam beyond oil and ship channels, in Samuel Brody, Baukje Kothuis, Coastal flood risk reduction: comparisons from the Netherlands and the US Upper Texas coast, Elsevier
  • Anne-Loes Nillesen, Mona Zum Felde, Eva Pfannes, Han Meyer, Olv Klijn, Water as Leverage: Design studies for Khulna, Chennai and Semarang, in J. Baumeister et al., 2021, Sea Cities, Springer Nature, Singapore, pp 133-170. DOI 1007/978-981-15-8748-1
  • Meyer H., 2021, Stijgend water, zinkende steden. De worsteling van Venetië en Rotterdam met het landschap van lagune en delta / Rising water, sinking cities. Venice and Rotterdam: grappling with the landscape of lagoon and delta, in OverHolland #21, pp 7-45.
  • Meyer H., 2021, Urban configurations in a dynamic delta landscape, in Wil Zonneveld, Vincent Nadin (eds), The Randstad. A polycentric metropolis, London: Routledge, pp 50-80
  • Meyer H., 2020, Delta Urbanism Coming of Age. 25 years of Delta Urbanism where are we now? Journal of Delta Urbanism #1, pp 16-35
  • Meyer H., 2019, Sustainable delta landscapes need smarter port city regions, in PORTUSplus nr 8,  Special Issue Governance in Port City Regions, RETE Publisher, Venice, ISSN: 2039-6422. Open access
  • Meyer H., 2019, Toward a Cultural Heritage of Adaptation: A Plea to Embrace the Heritage of a Culture of Risk, Vulnerability and Adaptation, in Carola Hein (ed), Adaptive Strategies for Water Heritage – Past, Present and Future. Cham: Springer Open, pp 401-419. 
  • Meyer H., 2019, Towards a new narrative for the 21st century delta city: Design can make the unexpected possible and imaginable. SASS Studies Vol.14, Summer 2019. 
  • Meyer H., 2014, guest-editor special issue Built Environment Vol.40, nr 3, Delta Urbanism: New Challenges for planning and design in urbanized deltas
  • Dammers E., Bregt A., Edelenbos J., Meyer H. Pel B., 2014, Urbanized deltas as complex adaptive systems: implications for planning and design, in Built Environment Vol.40, nr 3, 156-168 
  • Waggonner D., Dolman N., Hoeferlin D., Meyer H., Schengenga P., Thomaesz S., Van den Bout J., Van der Salm J., Van der Zwet C., 2014, New Orleans after Katrina: Building America’s Water City, in Built Environment Vol.40, nr 2, 281-299  
  • Meyer H., 2014, (The End of) The State of the Delta (and What Might Follow), in OASE#93 84-99 
  • Meyer H., Nijhuis S., 2013, Delta Urbanism: Planning and design in urbanized deltas – comparing the Dutch delta with the Mississippi River delta, Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability, 6:2, 160-191 
  • Meyer H., 2012, Urban Design in a Dynamic Delta, in Urban Design and Planning, Vol. 164, no 2, pp 89-102 
  • Meyer H., A. Nillesen, W. Zonneveld, 2012, Urban Planning: From Unsustainable to sustainable. The case Rijnmond, in European Planning Studies, Vol.20 No.1, pp 71-94